Friday, March 1, 2013

Helpful Books

Shortly after my Dad passed, I received a book in the mail from one of my clients (who had lost her brother).  She explained that the book was a bit unconventional.  She explained that this book helped her feel more connected to her brother's spirit.  The book could not have come at a more perfect time.  It had only been a few weeks after my Dad's passing, but already I was feeling very incomplete - almost like a piece of me was amputated and everyone was telling me that it was still there, but I couldn't see it or feel it.

"Do Dead People Watch You Shower"
I read this book in only a few days.  It was an easy read.  It brought me great comfort.  I wholeheartedly believe in the presence of my Father's spirit with me each day, and I also believe in the ability of a medium to make contact with spirits.  This belief is not for everyone, but it certainly works for me. 

After finishing this book, I read another book that expanded my knowledge and belief in this subject.
"Talking to Heaven"

More recently, I have read a book written by a doctor who had an extreme Near Death Experience of being comatose for a week with no neocortex brain activity, during which time he experienced the afterlife.  As a man of science, he had always discredited the possibility of life or consciousness after death, until he experienced it himself, and made it his mission to share his story.  Really quite remarkable, and yet comforting to know that life does continue after death in such a beautiful and loving existence as he describes.
"Proof Of Heaven"

I mention these books because they were helpful for me, and may be helpful for others, but I'm open to suggestion for other books that people found helpful when healing after the death of a loved one.

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